The Urgency of Intersectionality

In this TED Talk, Kimberlé Crenshaw defines intersectionality and describes how race and gender-based violence impacts the lives of black women. She emphasizes importance of doing social justice work through an intersectional lens and uplifting the narratives of black women.

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National Prevention Town Hall: <a href=We Are Each Other's Harvest" width="422" height="255" />

National Prevention Town Hall

Join us on September 24 & 25 at 1pm Eastern for our 5th National Prevention Town Hall, featuring programs from the Mountain region of the US. Register today!

Heal, Hold & Center: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2024

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is right around the corner! Learn how you can take action around this year's theme: "Heal, Hold & Center."

Help us make our vision a reality

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We envision a world where we can all live, work, play, and grow free from violence and oppression. You can help make that vision a reality!

gardening tools

Prevention Tool of the Month

The Gardens for Growing Healthy Communities collaborative in Denver fosters community well-being by turning vacant lots into community gardens.