The Miracle-Ear Foundation

Rooted in a commitment to helping people live and hear more fully, the Miracle-Ear Foundation was established in 1990 offering the Gift of Sound to those in need. The Miracle-Ear Foundation's Gift of Sound hearing aid program is designed to meet the needs of people who otherwise would not be able to afford hearing health solutions.

What is the Gift of Sound™?

The Gift of Sound is more than just a pair of free hearing aids—it's an opportunity to reconnect with the world. Working with a Hearing Care Professional at their nearest Miracle-Ear location, recipients of the Gift of Sound are fitted with hearing devices that meet their specific needs.

The relationship doesn't end there—Gift of Sound recipients get the same 3-year warranty as traditional customers, as well as the free aftercare and check-ins that are part of the Miracle-Ear Advantage. But for Gift of Sound recipients, being fitted with hearing aids means more than simply receiving medical care. It means reconnecting with loved ones, enjoying the world around them and communicating with ease.

Marsha and May at Miracle-Ear store

Start hearing again

By applying for the program at their local Miracle-Ear center or receiving hearing aids during Miracle Mission events held in their communities, more people with hearing loss are able to overcome the obstacles that stand between them and all the sounds they've been missing.

What are Miracle Missions?

To bring the Gift of Sound to even more people, Miracle-Ear holds Miracle Missions in locations throughout the United States. These events are designed to serve communities where there is a significant need for hearing health care, and in just one day, as many as 100 people are fitted with hearing aids and given the Gift of Sound. Miracle Missions are incredible experiences for all involved, from the Hearing Care Providers and staff who volunteer, to the recipients whose lives are changed when they begin to hear their world again. Learn more here.

For more than 30 years, the Miracle-Ear Foundation has—with the help of Miracle-Ear customers like you—shared the Gift of Sound™ with people in need. Learn more.