4 Ways to Create a Table of Contents in Microsoft Excel

Do you need to organize all the worksheets in your Excel workbook? Are you wondering how to create a table of contents in Excel? This Excel tutorial will explain the easiest ways to create an Excel table of contents with automation.

A table of contents helps you to navigate the document when it’s too large to remember all the sections. The same can also happen with an Excel workbook. This especially happens when the Excel file contains hundreds of worksheets. These worksheets can contain PivotTables, charts, graphs, dashboards, data-entry sheets, and so on.

Instead of remembering the workbook or writing down the important worksheet names on a sticky note, you can always create a table of contents in Excel. Unfortunately, there are no built-in functions or features in Excel that let you create a table of content in a single click like Microsoft Word.

Therefore, follow along with the methods mentioned below to create your table of contents in Excel without asking for help.

Reasons to Create Excel Table of Contents

  1. Simplifies the challenging task of navigating through extensive Excel workbooks. Also, an Excel table of contents is effortless to find specific sections and data points within the workbook.
  2. Offers a valuable time-saving feature by granting you swift access to targeted information. Thus, sparing you from the frustration of endlessly scrolling through sheets and tabs.
  3. A table of contents in Excel elevates user experience by presenting a visually pleasing and well-organized overview of the workbook’s contents.
  4. You can effectively arrange data by logically grouping related sheets or sections, aiding in maintaining a structured and coherent layout for large workbook management.
  5. It also provides a convenient means of swiftly referencing vital data, charts, and tables, reducing the need for time-consuming searches. Thus, you can focus on actual data analysis and visualization.
  6. The end-users, data entry operators, stakeholders, or the audience can comprehend the workbook easily when there is a table of contents in the Excel file.
  7. It supports collaboration and teamwork by simplifying content location. You can make it easy for team members to locate specific sections for input and review.
  8. Minimizes the potential for errors by preventing accidental modifications to unrelated data when navigating through the workbook, thus ensuring data integrity.

Create an Excel Table of Contents Using A Formula

This method will utilize a formula containing a named range element. This is a semi-automatic method since you must perform a few manual tasks as well to create the table of contents for the first time.

Define a Named Range

Assigning a named range to a worksheet

  1. Go to the first worksheet of the workbook.
  2. Click any blank cell and select the Formulas tab.
  3. Click the Define Name drop-down menu inside the Defined Names block.
  4. On the Edit Name dialog box, enter Worksheets in the Name field.
  5. Now, in the Refers to field enter the following formula:

  1. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Make a Table of Contents

  1. Add a new worksheet tab at the beginning of all the existing tabs by pressing Shift + F11 keys.
  2. Rename it to TOC.
  3. Go to the cell A1 of the TOC tab and enter the following formula:

=IF(ROW(A1)>SHEETS(),REPT(NOW(),),SUBSTITUTE(HYPERLINK("#'"&TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(INDEX(Worksheets,ROW(A1))," ",CHAR(255)),"]",REPT(" ",32)),32))&"'!A1",TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(INDEX(Worksheets,ROW(A1))," ",CHAR(255)),"]",REPT(" ",32)),32))),CHAR(255)," "))

To complete the TOC, follow these steps:

  1. Hit the Enter button and you should see the TOC worksheet name in the cell A1 .
  2. Now, drag the fill handle down the column until you get a blank cell.
  3. By now, Excel should have populated hyperlinks to all Excel worksheets in your workbook.
  4. Click on any of the worksheet names to navigate to that Excel tab.

To go back to the TOC tab, simply click the worksheet name at the bottom of the Excel application. Alternatively, you can add the link to TOC in all the worksheets. To do this, either copy cell A1 from the TOC tab to all the worksheets in the workbook or use the following Excel VBA script:

Sub CopyFormulaToAllWorksheetsWithNewRowAtTop() Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet Dim DestSheet As Worksheet Dim SourceCell As Range Dim DestCell As Range Dim FirstRow As Long Dim ws As Worksheet Set SourceSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1) Set SourceCell = SourceSheet.Range("A1") For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If ws.Name <> SourceSheet.Name Then Set DestSheet = ws Set DestCell = DestSheet.Range(SourceCell.Address) If DestCell.Value <> "" Then FirstRow = DestSheet.Cells(DestSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row DestSheet.Rows(FirstRow).EntireRow.Insert End If DestCell.Formula = SourceCell.Formula End If Next ws End Sub 

Refer to the Excel VBA section below to learn how to use the above VBA script in your Excel workbook.

Copied the TOC cell to all the worksheets

Here are the conditions to use the above method: